Joey Towbin

Product Enthusiast


Christmas Light Enthusiast

Foster Dog Dad

Joey Towbin

Product Enthusiast


Christmas Light Enthusiast

Foster Dog Dad


Light Hunt Marketplace

About Light Hunt Marketplace:
Light Hunt is a dynamic multivendor platform where Christmas light enthusiasts buy and sell xLight sequences tailored to sync lights with music.

Building on this foundation, I’m architecting Light Hunt from the ground up. Positioned at the crossroads of innovation and passion, this venture exemplifies my commitment to crafting solid software architectures and user-friendly interfaces. Harnessing the latest technologies and designed for scalability, Light Hunt showcases my flair in product management and growth-centric strategies. It’s more than a marketplace; it’s a vivid demonstration of leveraging community passion to cultivate a flourishing digital landscape. As the platform evolves, each xLight sequence transaction not only brightens a home but also serves as a metric of success and a testament to a product built with precision and foresight.

Check out our public Notion board and roadmap!